
Global Ties Sacramento recently had the opportunity to interview local Home Hospitality host, Brian Green. Incredibly aware of the benefits in reciprocal storytelling and the exchange of cultural perspectives, Brian values his role as host to visiting leaders during their time in California’s capitol.

Watch Brian’s interview about his recent experience hosting an Open World delegation from Vietnam and why he continues to host delegates from around the world.

In December 2023, Global Ties Sacramento hosted five delegates from Vietnam through the Congressional Office of International Leadership’s Open World Program. This delegation aimed to engage in meaningful dialogue with Congressional staff in California whose committee memberships align with current and potential areas of cooperation between the United States and Vietnam.

Aedhan Lanta, a Political Science major currently attending Sacramento State, is the newest Diplomacy & International Exchange Intern to join the Global Ties Sacramento team in 2024.

Global Ties Sacramento is currently accepting applications for Spring 2024 internships. Embrace this opportunity to cultivate cross-cultural communication and diplomacy skills, while refining written and oral communication, research, and analytical abilities.

Global Ties Sacramento implements various international exchange programs, such as the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), and regularly seeks local residents interested in hosting international professionals for one meal, or rarely, for overnight home stays. The success of our international exchange programs is due to our amazing Citizen Diplomats who open their homes to visitors, providing a welcoming window into life in the U.S. and creating lasting memories and connections. These Citizen Diplomats, called Home Hosts, know that nothing sets a table for mutual understanding better than sharing a meal.