After a successful Open World delegation for Vietnam last winter, Global Ties Sacramento and World Trade Center Northern California will be partnering again with the Open World Program of the Congressional Office for International Leadership (COIL) in hosting emerging leaders from Azerbaijan to the United States for a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas. Starting in late September, we will be hosting 5 delegates plus one U.S. Embassy facilitator from Azerbaijan. The delegates are young professionals (ages 25 – 45) who are all Think Tank professionals. During their visit to Sacramento, the delegates will have the opportunity to connect with local professionals who work in political think tanks.

We are currently seeking overnight homestay hosts for this delegation visit and would love to include some of you as hosts!

Open World Program delegates are placed in local host homes for overnight homestays which allows delegates to better experience life in the United States, develop deeper connections in their host community, and immerse themselves in the local culture. Similarly, hosts get to know delegates better and participate with them in various program opportunities. More details on homestay hosting can be found in the below section.

If you are interested in hosting an overnight homestay or would like to get more information, please contact Claudia Ramirez.